Friday, October 14, 2011

Workshop: 27-29 October - IE University Segovia

In this short workshop, a collaboration with students and faculty from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), students will use the Segovian esgrafiado as a point of departure for an exploration of the possible uses of surface: its potential effects, programs, and communicative abilities. What can a surface do? How does it relate to volume, aperture and performance? What would a profound superficiality look like?

Please join us for this workshop, worth 1 ECTS, available to a maximum of 20 students of the IE University School of Architecture and Design and 10 students from the Paris study abroad program of the IIT College of Architecture

Students will work in mixed IE/IIT teams of between 3-5 students, and will develop a small design project based on a first-hand analysis of surface treatments in Segovia, and a transformation of this 2-dimensional surface into a 3-dimensional object on the IE Segovia campus. Instruction will combine a hands-on demonstration of traditional Segovian esgrafiado, with site-exploration and studio workshops. Instruction will primarily be in English, though the program is open to students of all IE Architecture programs.

Thursday, October 27
10:00-11:00   Introduction
11:00-14:00   Demonstration of esgrafiado Segoviano, Site Visit and Analysis
16:00-20:00   Workshop and Discussion

Friday, October 28
10:00-14:00  Workshop and Critiques
15:00-20:00  Student Work Session

Saturday, October 29
9:00-13:00  Final Review and Celebration

Please pick up a form from the Architecture office and submit it to Mar Vega as soon as possible and no later than 5:00om, Thursday, October 20th, or, please email the following infornation to

ESSAY: Please explain in no more than 500 words why you wish to participate in this workshop.